
The Dalema Group buys Kremmerhuset

Dalema AS buys 100% of the stocks in Kremmerhuset from Canica.

The transaction is done 1. september. Dalema wishes with this purchase to strengthen Kremmerhuset as a brand, and to continue to build on the successful turn around which the company has done.

We look forward to working with the management and the skillful staff of Kremmerhuset to further develop the strong brand. The company has great potensial to continue growing as physical retail and not least online. Dalema has great knowledge within logistics and vast experience in developing companies through acquisitions.

Dag Leo Martinsen, owner and CEO Dalema

We are confident that Dalema will be good owners for Kremmerhuset, and that the company will continue to grow. We are happy with the deal that has been agreed with Dalema. Kremmerhuset has had a solid growth the last years, first and foremost due to a great team of dedicated employees, both in the shops and main office.

Nils Selte, CEO Canica

Vebjørn Torsetnes, CEO Kremmerhuset, is looking foward to developing Kremmerhuset further with the new Norwegian owners.

Kremmerhuset has gone through extensive changes the past three years. It has been crucial for us to have a long term, skilled and predictabel owner such as Canica. Within Canica one agrees on a plan, and then one gets the time and the peace and quiet to see it through. It’s been both fun and demanding at the same time. Dalema as owner will be very good. Dalema is a Norwegian company with big ambitions for Kremmerhuset. I have the utmost confidence in the new owners and their way of working. The people on Team Kremmerhuset are looking forward to the journey together with Dalema and look at this as a possibility for an even more streamlined goods flow and logistics.

Vebjørn Torsetnes, CEO Kremmerhuset

About Dalema Group
Dalema Group’s business include import, trading (B2B and B2C), industry and property, with subsidiaries in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Dalema Group owns several companies within the retail segment and aims to continue with Kremmerhuset as an independent chain together with the current management. It is a very strong/solid company which had operating revenues of 1518 million NOK and EBITDA of 156 million NOK in 2020.

Dalema AS will take over all commitments of Canica AS.

Kremmerhuset’s result and development 2020/2021

The results are created by an amazing team of dedicated employedd in the shops and offices. We sell inspiration and interior happiness, and every one works to give our customers the very best experience when they visit our physical shops and online, which we see is paying off. We celebrate 42 years in business in Norway this year, and we have never looked better as a company.

Vebjørn Torsetnes

The major turnaround and modernization of the business that started in 2017 has contributed to a smarter, more efficient business modell and better flow of goods. This means that our customers will have a better product assortment with an emphasis on a Scandinavian style, with the shops’ interior laid out to show the range of the product assortment in a more inspiring way than before.

Kremmerhuset has focused on increasing the staff’s knowledge and competance this last year, and focused more on online marketing on social media. This has resulted in a significant increase in customers and turnover, both in the physical shops and online. Turnover grew with 25 percent, to 325,3 million NOK.

Online success
The pandemic really made the online shopping take off, our online shop grew by 127 percent. Online shopping makes up 12 percent of the turnover. The progress in digital solutions the last years made the company well equipped to move parts of the business online last year. In addition we have the growth from online shoppers who collect their goods in the shops («Klikk&hent»).

Happy customers have contributed to an expected increase of members in the customer club to more than 700 000 members by the end of the year.

Good progress in 2021
Kremmerhuset has had a positive growth so far in 2021, even if up to 40% of the shops have been closed due to infection control measures related to the pandemic. The company believes home office and the need for enjoyment at home still will be important looking forward.

2021 is looking good so far, and we are excited about what will happen when society opens up and if people’s habits have changed. We still expect that Norwegians will want a homely and comfortable atmosphere at home. At the moment we are working on new concepts to make sure that people have a beautiful home with fantastic interior products for their living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and hall.

Vebjørn Torsetnes

Key figures

Kremmerhuset AS (MNOK)


















Kremmerhuset Ting & Sånt AS consists of 61 shops and online shop.
The online shop has increased turnover by 127%.

EBITDA improvement 350%

Visit them at www.kremmerhuset.no/

For more information, contact:

Dag Leo Martinsen, owner and CEO Dalema AS, mob 91 31 91 90

Nils Selte, CEO, Canica AS

Vebjørn Torsetnes, CEO Kremmerhuset, mob 95 20 45 05

Kremmerhuset logo

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